Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Dainger Fish Pattern

N.B. Don't bother with this as it is as is looks terrible in the water. I may come back to this to improve it, but not for now.

This is something I made up, although I can guarentee I wouldn't be the first to have done it and it probably has a proper name. But till I find that out I name thee "Dainger Fish", the 2-Tone Marabou Fish Pattern.

This fly is made up as follows:

Hook: 4/0 SL12 from http://www.uksaltwaterflies.com/
Body: Marabou (White, Yellow or Black or Olive), Krystal Flash (Pearl), Red Cock Hackle Feathers
Head: N/A
Eyes: Heavy Bead Chain from Homebase

  1. Tie on the eyes above the point of the hook and lash on tight.
  2. Tie on the first White feather in front of the eyes and tighten. Then tie the feather again just behind the eyes having taken the stem under the eyes.
  3. Repeat again the other side.
  4. Tie on the first of the coloured (Yellow, Olive or Black) in front of the eyes again and tie it off. Then tie the feather off again behind the eyes having pulled the feather over the eyes.
  5. Repeat again the other side.
  6. Ties in 5-6 strands of flash on each side for some sparkle.
  7. Add in a small red cock hackle each side
  8. Varnish off the threading at the front of the hook.
This is now complete.

Side Profile

Front Profile
Top Profile

Three different colours of the pattern

This one has been wetted and then squeezed out to dry. It looks a little scrawny, but had some size when pulled from the water and the marabou did move welll in the sink.

Notes: The fly currently floats and so may need some weighting. Could use epoxy or a strip of metal on the head glued in place to get it sinking. It is also light enough for the int/sinking line to take down easliy. Should cast OK but will update the notes once tested.

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